FIRST . . . All you have to do is help your children to get up and get ready to meet our bus which comes by your house each Sunday morning.  School clothes are fine.

NEXT . . . Our courteous bus captain will pick up your children at your door and escort them to the bus.  When the bus arrives at the church your children will be escorted to their classrooms where friendly competent teachers will greet them.

IN THE GRADED CLASSES . . . Your children will be instructed in the basic doctrines of the Bible.  They will learn about God and man’s relationship to Him.  The children participate in quizzes, do workbook materials and readily become involved in the classroom activities.

CHILDREN’S CHURCH . . . after a classroom sitting your child is escorted to a general assembly room for a church service planned with their needs, attitudes, and abilities in mind.

THEN . . . your children are escorted back on the bus and then are driven right back to your house.  The bus captain will help your children across the street and escort them to your door.  Your captain will return the following Saturday and visit your children to ask them to ride the bus again to Sunday school.

SPECIAL DAYS . . . in addition to the exciting program planned for each Sunday, there are some special days and events throughout the year . . . . for the whole family.

FINALLY . . . we would consider it a real honour if you would let your children visit with us this Sunday!  The bus captain will be glad to hear from you and give you all the additional information you need. 

For more information and to arrange our Bus Captain to visit your home to make transportation arrangements, please contact the church office.

It would be an honour for us to serve you!

Latest comments

06.04 | 00:37

May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless this church for its sound doctrine, bless Pastor Don Kiper, and all of the wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ here

02.01 | 01:18

Looks great looking forward to being able to visit

27.04 | 09:48

LOve to cvisit this place soon.

30.08 | 00:55

Great to see the Lord working in here in Niagara Falls. Pastor Kiper, thank you and Church for the warm welcome. My wife and I really enjoyed visiting your church on Wednesday night.